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Maude Massu IDO Board Member @ Marathon des Sables
Last week I completed the HALF MARATHON DES SABLES In Fuerteventura while fundraising for IDO. A thrilling physical challenge in stunning landscapes! Kilometers of rocks and sand, meters of ascents and descents across the island. I loved it.
Whenever I felt tired I kept reminding myself that this effort was nowhere near the one women in Chad have to do every day to wake up at 4am, walk for hours to fetch water and return to their village head-carrying water in the heat.
With every £120 we can fix a water pump in a village which allows around 450 villagers to access drinking water. So thanks to your £2,000 donation so far, you are going to support another 7,500 women, men and children to access drinking water.
Within the next 3 years of IDO's new project, we are most likely to see that:
- Children diarrhea will decrease from 73.8% to 64.3%
- 98.3% of people will wash their hands with soap/ash (vs 76.2%)
- Over 90% of villagers will wash their hands with clear water before a meal (vs 52.2%)
This is impact This is why I walked; This is why you gave
This is hope. This is life;
Thank you
Status September 2022
The project was launched on 1 January 2022. Funding is provided by AFD, Mairies de Paris, Schlumberger and IDO. To date, 4 Associations of Water Point Management Committees (ACGP) , elected by the representatives of the 40 member COGPEs, have been put in place. Training sessions for the members of their steering committees as well as for the 8 selected artisanal repairers (AR) have taken place. Commercial agreements between the ACGPs and the ARs have been put in place and stocks of spare parts for the ACGPs have been established.
The 2021 General Meeting was held on June 10, 2022 with in the agenda the 2021 Activity report, the plan for 2022, the 2021 Financial Report and the 2022 Budget. The 2022 Plan provides as essential objectives the start of the DAMPE project as well as the continuation of support for the COGPEs and technical interventions on broken down pumps.
The General Assembly approved the 2021 activity report and accounts, as well as the 2022 plan and budget
(More information on AG2021)
September 2020
The MGM420 project ended as planned on 30 September 2020. The planned objectives were all achieved:
449 COGPEs created
2,239 members trained, including 756 women
Each COGPE visited 1.44 times per month - 16,193 COGPE visits
12 wells drilled and brought back into service
Impact assessment: 2 rounds of baseline surveys (400 families) and targeted interviews
Conducting a survey to identify village economic activities and a campaign to promote financial cooperation between COGPE and women's associations.
The General Assembly was held on 28 May 2020, virtually. On the agenda the 2019 Activity Report, the Plan for 2020 and the Financial Report and the Budget. By the end of October the MGM420 project, while taking the necessary security measures against Covid-19, and presenting a new project, DAMPE, linked to the autonomy of the villages.
The General Assembly approved the 2019 activity report and accounts, as well as the 2020 plan and budget
(More information on:AG2019)
March 2020
The MGM420 project entered the 3rd and last year. 440 village committees have been created; their members have been elected and are being trained. We are now in the follow-up phase for which the project has implemented an autonomy indicator based on objective criteria such as: state of the pump, amount of money collected for potential pump repairs, committee intiatives.. etc.
Status as of March 30th :
Pump failure rate is 29%
40% of the committees have achieved good autonomy.
5 management committees have participated in setting up income-generating activities with women's groups in the community.
The Animateurs regularly visit the villages for animation and "lessons learned" meetings, often involving several neighboring management committees.
Our operations, so far, have not been slowed down by the COVID19 crisis. We have implemented health procedures in response to the risk of virus contamination. Our Animateurs and Animatrices actively contribute to encouraging the villages to also implement measures of social distancing.
The map below shows all the water management committees set up by IDO since 2015. The squares represent those of the MGM420 project with in red those that have not reached autonomy; in yellow those who have started their progress towards autonomy and in green the autonomous committees.

March 2019
A la fin du mois de Mars 2019, le projet MGM420 a conclu sa première tranche de 18 mois débutée en Octobre 2017. Ce projet consiste à mettre en place des comités de gestions de points d’eau dans 420 locations au sud du Tchad.
12 animateurs ont été deployés et basés dans les centres régionaux ;
243 comités de gestion ont été formés et sont donc fonctionnels (cf. carte ci dessous)
Le taux de pompes en panne est tombé de 60% a 30%
​Durant la tranche 2, et ce afin de pérenniser notre action, nous allons évaluer selon des critres quantifiables l'autonomie des comités de gestion et lancer des pilotes de collaboration avec des groupements villageois engagés dans des activités génératrices de revenu.
(Plus dinformations sur: MGM420 phase I)
