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Projets: Service

Our activities started in 2010 with the  " Inventory-Diagnostic Repairs " project in the Oriental Logone region of southern Chad which was then extended in 2012 to the Logone Occidental. This project made it possible to evaluate the general condition of water supplies to communities in these regions  and to assess the means required to achieve our aims.

The journey to autonomy started  with technical repairs on pumps that were out of order. It advanced in 2015 with the UNICEFco-funded project initiating the creation of Water Management Committees, complimenting the repairing of wells. This was a big stride as the 102 WMCs really put the emphasis on the village communities managing their own water supplies. The approach was expanded significantly with the MGM 420 project, co-funded by the Agence Française de Développement, Mairie de Paris and Schlumberger, which by its conclusion end 2020 had added another 420 WMCs. Across these villages there is a much more dependable access to water and a community sense that they own and are responsible for their water supply. 

There remains a final challenge to their complete and sustainable autonomy. At this stage they are still dependent on IDO to coordinate and oversee the work of the local repair technicians, as well as for the provision of the spare parts that are needed when their pump needs repair. 

The DAMPE project is aimed at closing this loop.

To this day (September 2022)

  • 2246 Water access points have been  inventoried

  • 3497 diagnostics have been performed on over 1000 pumps  and 2422  repairs have been completed 

  • 1026  Water Management Committees (COGPE) have been established.

  • In 2010, 60% of the water access points were found to be out of order. Today, it is  less than  20%  

  • Beneficiaries: approximately 730,000 villagers

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2022-2024 DAMPE
Autonomous  Maintenance of Water Points


  • Launch January 2022 - Duration 3 Years

  • Funding AFD, Paris City Halls, Schlumberger, IDO


  • Objective: group 400 village WMCs into 8 regional associations ( ACGPs ) that will mutualise the risks to their wells and will give enough critical mass for each region to have its own repair technician and supply of spare parts. The ultimate objective is that, at least in these 400 villages, they are totally autonomous, and no longer have any need for IDO

  • The project includes:

    • Awareness campaigns in the villages, coaching them through the election of the ACGP management teams and their training

    • Selection and training of the repair technicians and the provision of a motor-bike and initial stock of pump spare parts.

    • Ongoing mentoring and monitoring to ensure the new system gets well embedded.

  • Beneficiaries more than 180,000 villagers 

2017-2020 MGM420

  • Funding: AFD, the City of Paris, Schlumberger , IDO

  • Partners: CELIAF, CERDI

  • Establishment of 420 Water Management Committees  ( COGPEs ) supported by  12 new Animateurs

  • In addition to establishing the water management committees, the project involves capacity building in the use of funds generated by the village COGPE to contribute to the development of village income-generating activities and the financing of community projects.

  • Beneficiaries 180,000 villagers



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  • Funding :  IDO

  • Establishment of Water Management Committees  in 154 villages

  • 7 Animateurs deployed, covering 35 villages each

  • Sensitization of the populations to the risks related to polluted water and the critical importance of domestic and community hygiene

  • Establishment of a program to assess the degree of autonomy of COGPEs based on the collection of specific indicators

  • Beneficiaries 92, 000 villagers

2016 CITY of  PARIS

  • Funding: the City of  Paris

  • Replacement of 12 pumps out of use due to heavy corrosion

  • Establishment of Water Management Committees in the associated villages

  • Beneficiaries: 12 communities including 2 schools, 2 clinics; in total 15000 villagers

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2015-2016 UNICEF

  • Funding: UNICEF

  • Emergency project to help cope with   the influx of refugees from the Central African Republic into southern Chad.

  • Ensure the sustainability of access to drinking water in 102 villages in the  Logone Occidental and Logone Oriental regions that are located near refugee camps.  

  • 72 water access points have been restored including creating the surrounding infrastructure to control access and support a hygienic environment

  • 30 pumps were replaced and supporting infrastructure created.

  • 102 Water Management Committees were set up in the associated villages and their 510 members trained in water point management, hygiene and sanitation procedures.

  • Funding: European Union, IDO  

  • Partners:   Departmental Council of Kouilou (CDK) - Project Manager, Caritas Congo, Doctors of Africa

  • Objectives: To ensure the sustainability of access to drinking water in the Kouilou department.

  • Evaluation of the current condition of water access points installed in 2013

  • Diagnostics of 111 failed pumps (44% of the fleet), all requiring extensive restoration

  • Implementation of 188 COGPEs to manage water access points equipped with electric pumps powered by solar panels

  • 39 traditional water points and 40 springs

  • Training of 46 repairing technicians and the provision of technical support

Projets: Service
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